The sunrise picture is the start of the Grand canyon pictures. The ones before it are of Bryce.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bryce and the Grand Canyon
The sunrise picture is the start of the Grand canyon pictures. The ones before it are of Bryce.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Arches National Park
Tomorrow we are going to Bryce National Park and then to the Grand Canyon. The trip is flying by. It is difficult to believe that it is already the end of July. We continue to have a great time but we are all excited that we have started our trek home to sleep in our own beds and see our cats. We will be in Somerset by the night of August 1st and we will be back in Kingsville by the night of
Friday, July 18, 2008
A Quick Post from Cody, Wyoming
I'm standing at a kiosk in the Buffalo Bill Museum and there is no USB port so I can't add any photos, but I can give a lightning fast update. The day after the white water rafting and horseback riding we took a gondola ride to the top of the Tetons and visited Teton Village. The view from the top was amazing. It snowed two weeks ago so we had a bit of a snowball fight.
After that we took a boat ride on Jenny Lake and hiked to the Hidden Falls. I thought we'd never find them!! The falls were amazing, and I can't wait to post some photos. On the way to Jenny Falls we drove through a herd of buffalo that were crossing the road. There were hundreds of them. It was awesome.
Yesterday we drove to Yellowstone National Park. We saw Old Faithful and some hot springs. I took a video of a mini-geyser that was spouting steam and water about ten feet high. When we asked the ranger she was incredulous that we had seen it going off. She has worked there for two years and although it erupts sporadically she has never seen it. I'll post the video (and a video of Old Faithful) when I get to a hotel closer to the end of the month.
We're going to the Cody Rodeo for dinner and to see the cowboys. It sounds like fun and the kids can't wait. Tomorrow we're spending the day travelling around Yellowstone and the next day we head to the Boy Scout camp at Bear Lake in Utah. The irony is there are bears near where we are camping in Yellowstone but there are none at Bear Lake. I have two more nights to worry about a night time visit from a bear but the rangers say if we follow the rules we'll be fine. That's it for now....more later....with pictures.
PS I was having a little difficulty with a kidney stone, but I think the problem has passed
After that we took a boat ride on Jenny Lake and hiked to the Hidden Falls. I thought we'd never find them!! The falls were amazing, and I can't wait to post some photos. On the way to Jenny Falls we drove through a herd of buffalo that were crossing the road. There were hundreds of them. It was awesome.
Yesterday we drove to Yellowstone National Park. We saw Old Faithful and some hot springs. I took a video of a mini-geyser that was spouting steam and water about ten feet high. When we asked the ranger she was incredulous that we had seen it going off. She has worked there for two years and although it erupts sporadically she has never seen it. I'll post the video (and a video of Old Faithful) when I get to a hotel closer to the end of the month.
We're going to the Cody Rodeo for dinner and to see the cowboys. It sounds like fun and the kids can't wait. Tomorrow we're spending the day travelling around Yellowstone and the next day we head to the Boy Scout camp at Bear Lake in Utah. The irony is there are bears near where we are camping in Yellowstone but there are none at Bear Lake. I have two more nights to worry about a night time visit from a bear but the rangers say if we follow the rules we'll be fine. That's it for now....more later....with pictures.
PS I was having a little difficulty with a kidney stone, but I think the problem has passed
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Amazing Days!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
First Snake Sighting
Anyway, today was another great day with a highlight right at the beginning. As we were driving into Ayres Natural Bridge Park we saw a sign which lived up to its name. Within 100 feet of the sign we saw a snake slithering across the street. Christopher was driving, and he stopped
After that we visited Fort Caspar and I learned that I share the same birthday with Caspar Collins for whom the fort and the city of Casper are named. There was a great museum inside and many period buildings that we got to tour. Right now Sherrill and the boys are at the movies. I dropped them off and came back to relax and
Trip Statistics:
Total Distance Travelled: 2514 miles
Radar Traps: 10
Tickets: 0
Wildlife seen today: The bull snake and a bunny
Into the Depths
Today was a fairly laid back day. We did make it to breakfast which was an improvement over yesterday. After all five of us enjoyed pancakes at a local cafe we headed off to Jewel Cave a stone's throw (70 miles) down the road from Mount Rushmore. We got there with relative ease to discover that there would be a wait before we could head into the caves. We got our tickets and used the extra time to get lunch. We headed to Pizza Hut and tried out the P'zones which were delicious. If you haven't tried them yet consider this your call to arms. After lunch we headed back to Jewel Cave.
Fortunately our National Park Pass which has already paid for itself allowed us to go on a cave tour for free. Sherrill has had a bit of difficulty with stairs and the free tour had very few stairs involved. The tour was not long but it had lots of information and an elevator ride that took us down 238 feet in under thirty seconds with no fear of any pizza hitting the floor.
The second cave tour was a lot more strenuous and Sherrill correctly decided to sit it out. It was called the Lantern Tour because the only illumination was from lanterns that we carried.
There were tight passages with interesting names like Fat Man's Misery and Tall Man's Misery. There was one section in which we went straight down about ten feet called Trap Door. We all had to work together to shed light on the footholds and handholds. After travelling through many passages and rooms we got to the halfway point of the tour where we blew all of the lanterns out. I have never seen pitch black before today. We relit the lanterns and since the relighting is a bit involved I volunteered to lead the group back to a pre-arranged location. When I volunteered the group kidded me in good nature since I had previously taken a wrong turn when we had
gotten strung out earlier in the tour. I went about fifity feet down the wrong path before realizing that the group must have gone a different way since the path diminished to the size of a 17 inch computer monitor. I was not unhappy about the detour since there were many crystals on the wall that we never would have seen otherwise. The tour lasted two hours and it is my current favorite thing that we have done. The boys also indicated that it is at or near the top of their lists. (The waterpark is definitely still very high on all of our lists)
The photo in which Nathan is crawling through a rectangle is the test to see if a person is qualified to go on the spelunking tour. Nathan and Conner slipped through easily. Chrisopher and Sherrill did not try. I proved that I am not a candidate for spelunking. With my claustaphobia I would never have really attempted spelunking but the rectangular box was a temptation I could not resist.
Tomorrow we are off to Casper, Wyoming with no clue of what activity we will do there. After I post this I'm going to do a little looking and see what I can come up with.
Trip Statistics:
Total Distance Travelled: 2,263 miles
Police Traps: 9
Tickets: 0
Wildlife Sightings: None
The second cave tour was a lot more strenuous and Sherrill correctly decided to sit it out. It was called the Lantern Tour because the only illumination was from lanterns that we carried.
The photo in which Nathan is crawling through a rectangle is the test to see if a person is qualified to go on the spelunking tour. Nathan and Conner slipped through easily. Chrisopher and Sherrill did not try. I proved that I am not a candidate for spelunking. With my claustaphobia I would never have really attempted spelunking but the rectangular box was a temptation I could not resist.
Tomorrow we are off to Casper, Wyoming with no clue of what activity we will do there. After I post this I'm going to do a little looking and see what I can come up with.
Trip Statistics:
Total Distance Travelled: 2,263 miles
Police Traps: 9
Tickets: 0
Wildlife Sightings: None
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Four Presidents and a Buffalo
From the title of this post you can already guess the highlight of the day. We had seen a deer or two, and a donkey that had its head in a car eating snacks from children's hands, but the real attraction was just around the bend. One car length ahead of us walking down the road the same direction we were travelling was a huge buffalo. We got some great pictures from behind and as we passed the buffalo but apparently he did not appreciate having his photo taken. After we passed he took
Our next stop was a visit to Crazy Horse, but the boys were wanting to keep the visit short and the admission price was 27 dollars. Now I know why they called him Crazy Horse. Sherrill clicked a
Total distance traveled: 2157 miles
Total police radar traps: Still stuck on 7
Tickets: Still 0 but I am parked illegally because we went out to a Black Light miniature golf course and when we returned there was no parking left at our hotel. The front desk says we're in the clear but the sign in the adjoining shopping center says we'll be towed. There is no alternative so I'm hoping for the best. My streak of never having a parking ticket is in jeopardy. My lifetime speeding ticket count is 1. (Martha's Vineyard during the summer of 1985)
Wildlife sightings today: all mentioned in blog
From the Badlands to Mount Rushmore
I was struck by the fact that we were encouraged to climb all over the rock formations. I was
We hiked a trail last night after dinner and the first three pictures were taken on that hike. If you click on the first picture and look closely you can see people up in the hills. That is the top of the Notch Trail which we hiked today. I got some great pictures from that same spot. The second
The Notch Trail was rated as strenuous but we were ready for it. It was just difficult enough that the boys exerted themselves scrambling up and down over hills and boulders but was short enough that we didn't overdo it. The frequent signs to be on the lookout for rattlesnakes gave
After the hikes were over we bade farewell to the Badlands and headed west. A few miles up the road was one of the sites for a Minuteman Missile. There was a guided tour given by cell phone. We called a number and put it on speaker and hit keys for different spots along the way. It was very effective and informative. The man narrating the tour did not sound like the kind of guy you would want with the launch codes but he did seem well informed.
After that we headed to our hotel for the night a few miles away from Mount Rushmore. We got checked in and watched National Treasure 2
Trip Statistics:
Total distance travelled: 2080 miles
Radar traps seen today:0
Tickets so far on trip: 0
Wildlife sightings last night after dinner and today: one deer, three rabbits, and one desert squirrel (at least that's what it looked like)
Most disturbing billboard message: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for pork loin"
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